Sunday, October 24, 2010


A STORY of BATHS and HOW i HATE them.
Baths, they begin nicely enough.
Mom and dad were there. I was concerned but the water was....familiar.

Then they put this stuff on my head and tail-bottom and start SCRUBBING me!! EE-gads!! But worse, to top it off they poured the 'water' stuff over my head...oh-oh-oh I HATe BaTHs!!!

AWWWOOOHHH. Can you tell I hate baths??!!!
yes. more than ever. I intensely dislike baths.........

Sunday, October 17, 2010

how much I'm growing!!

Grandma returned from Arizona, having been away for a week and when she got home, mom and dad were at her house, and so was I. "Oh my!" she must have exclaimed, "look how much he has grown!"..and then she held me while dad took a picture. That was Tuesday. She didn't see me again until Saturday which is our typical overnight, our time to hang together.
This is me and grandma in her 'slouchy' clothes. I was fussy so she put me in the sling and we went for a walk around the neighborhood. Then she tried reading to me, but that wasn't interesting, so I cried and she had to walk around the house patting my back and soothing me. Finally, I settled down and she sat in the chair with me for a long time, talking to me, doing exercises with me (I can hold my head up when she pulls me up by the hands and I like to do the 'treadmill' with my feet).

I am awake so much more and growing!

(the intersting thing this week is that when mom and dad dropped me off I was crying so grandma talked to me very quietly and I calmed down and watched the remainder of a documentary with her (American Experience, PBS), it was about the 1929 Stock Market Crash...however, when she began watching another one about Lobotomies, oh my lord, no! I began crying again as if the world would end.
Note to self: do not watch documentaries about Lobotomies if you want to stay happy! 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

this weekend..

Friday night was my night with grandma and so I showed her some fantastic leg kicks...then, we talked..

Then, I stayed up all night, finally getting to sleep around 4 a.m. on Saturday morning. Grandma fell asleep with me, the cat was nowhere in sight.
The next morning Grandma packed me in the car and took the sling and put me in the sling and we walked all around downtown, to the bank, to the Clip Joint so she could get her eyebrows waxed, to 9th Street Video, to  Lakota for coffee, to the t-shirt place so they could make her a t-shirt, to Cold Stone Creamery for cakes then back to the radio station where I woke up, then the t-shirt shop. I was awake and looking around during at least half the trip.
Then we went to her house and mom picked me up.
Grandma forgot her camera so there are no pictures of our travels.

This weekend was Roots, Blues and Barbeque. A yearly event in my hometown (although I really don't know anything about it yet, being a baby and all.)
Grandma took a picture of Dad at RB&B.
He was working.

my dad