Monday, September 27, 2010

barely past sunday

 Dad and I drove to Troy Missouri yesterday to visit with great-grandmother and great-grandfather Koenig.
Great-grandmother loves me sooo much and held me and held me, until her arms were weak from holding. Dad got a picture on his phone of her loving on me but was unable to upload it to this space. dadgumit...

This language thing escapes me and grandma ruth has noticed how much I am trying to communicate, making my mouth into this 'oh' shape and then 'cooing'....
BTW: Great-Grandmother Berniece Koenig thinks that I am the most beautiful baby ever! I wonder, is she right?.....

Dad asked grandmother ruth the other day what do I see?
She asked him what he meant.
He answered, "Well the doctor told us that babies have limited eyesight and then it improves so I was just wondering what he sees."

Oh, the things I see are wonderful, most of them are not of this world, but of another place that I am just not sure about anymore because the concreteness of this world seems to be dragging everything else from that other world away, you see, that is why I smile when I sleep. Those memories are not so far away in sleep and maybe? Well, maybe that is why I wail when first awake. It is like falling against a solid surface, a reality that I am not used to yet and which still jars and shakes me...oh my (yawn)..arrividerci, good night.

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