Tuesday, August 7, 2012

s'mores. a how-to guide.

This is how I eat s'mores..

To begin with, you cannot be shy when eating a s'more.
You just have to Go For It!
Make sure you get EVERY piece of the s'more.
Consider your hands..
and clean them!
The End.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Visit with Cousins

Uncle Dylan was scheduled to leave early August for Guam and so Grandma Montgomery packed me, Uncle Dylan, Uncle Ray and herself in the car and drove to (Troy first--see last post) St. Louis, MO to visit with the family.

We met over at Great-Uncle Clayton and Great-Aunt Amanda's house.
Grand-ma had fixed a passel of food, all by herself.
Everyone ate and sat around and talked.
I played.
So did my cousins.

and I ate...uh-huh..mm-hmmm.

Hank's Cheesecake is soooo good.

Anything with a steering wheel I can steer!

and  I played...
and slept during the car ride back to Columbia, MO...my hometown.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

catching up

In August Uncle Dylan was back and we hung out.

Going to Sparky's and petting the dog.

On another day we drove to Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Koenig's house in Troy, MO.

Uncle Dylan looks very serious, but I think he was just tired.

great grandpa Koenig and me
great grandma Koenig talking to me.

Grandpa Koenig, Uncle Dylan, Grandma Koenig (the greats that is), Uncle Ray, me!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

visit with G-Gma and G-Gpa. Troy, MO. 2012

Grandma visited from Texas. Picking me up from Grandma Janie's house, we drove to Troy, Missouri and visited with the Great-Grandparents.
Me and Great-Grandpa Koenig
I loved Great-Grandma's glasses.
G-Gma, Dad, Uncle Ray, G-Gpa.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 2011

When was this, Late August?
Visiting Grandma.
Not really walking yet, but pulling up and looking out the door.
Looking for mom, for dad?..or, just looking.
This is me.
I am curious!

Monday, July 11, 2011


I'm crawling around, getting into things. Grandma sat me on the grass, it is prickly, I didn't move....:)

Friday, June 10, 2011

a visit to the store, part 4

I'm getting to be such a big boy that I can go to the store with Grandma! (well, this picture is from the evening before..but...).

After spending the night at Grandma's house, the next morning...

The store is a GREAT place!!!
I love the little cars on the front of the carts..VROOM! VROOM!

and HEY! Don't I know you from somewhere!?!!?

It is all SO EXITING and it wore me out so that Grandma had to hold me during check out because I was getting fussier and fussier.... Grandma's are like that!

Then afterward, I had a bite to eat and TOOK. A. NAP....(zzzzzzzzzzzz)
it feels so good to sleeeep!
until later,
the E.
Elliot Flynn